Thursday, October 22, 2009

WiFi and Back

I finally am on a wireless connection with a brand new laptop! I bought the laptop that made me the happiest and have been enjoying having it.

I had a fairly uneventful summer - not much time on the deck in the sun due to migraines and health issues. I ate much lobster (even though I shouldn't due to an allergy) and spent time with family and friends.

In the fall I paid off some debts and was able to book a cruise for my dh who works too hard. I went out to visit my friends in AZ, went to Las Vegas for a few days. I was in a car accident 2 days before we left for the cruise which made the travel harder.

Now I am home, pain is much less and I have been cleaning/organizing the house. Getting ready for the holidays and winter.

Our next trip is to Hawaii in January.

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