Monday, November 10, 2008

Health, Health Insurance and Waiting Games

Sitting here today worrying about things that I cannot change - what a useless waste of time but still I cannot stop myself. It seems evident that I am probably without health insurance for the first time in 15 years. Of course my health is such that being without insurance is a precarious position to be in so I am scared.

I do happen to live in a state that mandates that all citizens carry health insurance and I think I finally found a plan that has my doctor on it so if I need to I will have to find a way to get an extra $650 a month to pay for it.

Meanwhile in a rotten economy my dh struggles to find employment. We are hopeful that this last round of interviews are now going to bear fruit but don't want to jinx it so try not to assume. Sure would be nice to have this worry erased.

I am in still AZ - flying home on Thursday. I am tired, running a fever and ready to be home with Lulu. It's harder and harder to travel - both physically and emotionally. I have all the usual health problems while I am here - those never change but now have the baseball in the armpit gland again too. It's enough.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sitting in AZ

Another visit to Arizona - a few days to go until I return home. I wish I was able to enjoy this visit more than I am but there is so much going on in my life that I cannot relax. Sleeping has been terrible and I am on pain meds just to get through the days now. I have been eating well atleast and this morning was able to eat a nice bowl of cream of wheat. Tonight will be dinner out for a steak.

A few days ago we were driving through Zion National Park and Dixie National Forest. We stayed overnight in Cedar City, Utah where it was 30* and snowing - my favorite weather. I am glad that I got to see Utah and the mountains but I think I am now ready to go home.