Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sunny Summer Day

Just finished reading a great book - Julie and Julia about a woman who spends a year cooking every single recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking and blogging about it. It has aroused in me a desire to spend more time cooking at a time when our apartment becomes an inferno.

Today it's 80 degrees out and I have the a/c on for the first time. I didn't spend any time out on the deck this morning as I like to do choosing instead to read and listen to smooth jazz. It's been a great day for just rocking and reading.

Now I find myself with my mother's battered copy of Mastering The Art of French Cooking wondering if I should begin to cook from it myself. I love to cook, it calms and soothes me like nothing else can and french cuisine is comfort food. I know that I won't cook all the recipes (there are some things I just will not eat even though I am a hard core foodie) and I probably will go at it in my own manner and time but I think I could find some peace in spending the summer with some great food and wine.

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