Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas, Hospitals and Rambling Thoughts

Another Christmas is almost upon us. Shopping, what little of it there was this year, is finished. A small tinsel tree has been decorated along with a potted live tree that my daughter gave to me. I have made many types of cookies and will try to get to a few more before Wednesday if I can. We even had snow - lots of snow - this year.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Christmas. I decorate like a lunatic on a day pass, bake like a maniac and listen to Christmas music for months on end. This year though I am not feeling it at all.

It could have something to do with the fact that I have been sick this year, really and truly sick and this month I have reached new depths in how truly rotten I could feel. It got so bad that on Friday night, actually early Saturday morning, I took myself into the ER to get an IV. I also have had 6 seizures in the last week and I am exhausted.

I am hoping that just by letting this out I will move past it and start to feel better. I am planning on a nice Christmas Eve dinner and midnight Church service - I just have to build my strength.

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