Thursday, June 5, 2008

Seventh Circle of Hell

Here's a typical day in Megland:

Get up, make coffee, change clothes 14 times until you wind up looking like an out of work crack addict. Check the bus schedule and pick the bus you need to be on to make your appointment. Leave the house for the bus in the pouring rain. Soaked completely through you remember that your cell phone, which you most definitely will need today, is upstairs in the house. Go back to get it, miss the bus. Call the town cab company, wait for cab.

Oh wait - a brief respite when a friend calls to chat.

Cab comes and off you go. Get to T station, miss the train. Wait in the rain for the next one. Make it downtown just in time for the really heavy rain to hit so run over to your destination - getting soaked again. Wait around while the person you need to help you is goofing off - finally get what you came there for and leave for your appointment. No good way to get there so down in the rain you go - dripping wet and freezing cold at this point.

You're early so you get a cup of coffee and because your weight will be checked and you haven't eaten solid food in days you get a muffin which you eat only the top off of. Go to your appointment where they check your weight and your b/p - both are elevated. Doctor says you must be doing better your weight is up today and you think "no it's up because i am retaining water like the Grand Coolie Dam" but you let it go because why argue the point.... Get prescribed some new medication, have a discussion about mood and finally get out of there. Stop for monthly b12 injection on the way out - thank god that's over with for another month.

Walk in the rain back up the street to meet daughter and husband, buy dinner, get prescription filled, pick out library books. Cram onto the rush hour train with bags, once again dripping wet and miserable.

Finally make it home, get dinner going and feel glad that you made it through the day.

Until you go in the bathroom and realize that the one medication that you needed to get the refill for from your doctor is the one you didn't get.....

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