Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Sunday - First of June

Last year at this time I was in Phoenix staying with friends. This year I am staying put here by the ocean and remembering a friend who has passed away.

What has changed this year?

Some things are different now - I am older, weaker but many good things stay the same - great place to live, many friends, family.

Today was a bright sunny day and I spent it out on the deck. I tanned, drank way too much iced coffee and relaxed. I read the paper for awhile but I find the news depresses me so I don't read very much. I am reading a book called Julie and Julia about a woman who spends a year cooking every recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I am enjoying this book.

Tonight I mixed up some shrimp salad that I stuffed into grilled hot dog rolls and cut up fresh strawberries that I ate with a slice of ricotta pie. The ricotta pie was my birthday cake this year.

A good day - I don't get many of these but today I will keep.

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